How CrazyBulk Works for Female Bodybuilders and Athletes on Steroids?

In the past couple of years, a lot of fitness buffs have searched online for CrazyBulk reviews. There’s a good reason too. CrazyBulk is a pioneer of the men’s health supplement business and was the first brand in the world to introduce ‘legal steroids’.

These health supplements took the world of recreational fitness by storm with their efficacy and their similarity to their pharmaceutical counterparts. However, with rising popularity came competition. Legal steroids became so popular that many unscrupulous brands started to make poor-quality products. The caveat is that these product labels were designed to look exactly like CrazyBulk.

However, it’s next to impossible to match CrazyBulk’s quality. So people were thrown off with dismal results. They expected steroid-like results and were very disappointed. This led to a lot of fake CrazyBulk reviews being posted on message boards and the likes.

A lot of our readers, have also asked us about such CrazyBulk reviews. So we figured that this was a great time to add our two cents to this discussion. In this slightly longish blog post, we are going to cover everything about CrazyBulk. At the end of this, you will be armed with enough information to make an informed choice.

What is CrazyBulk?

As the first-ever brand in legal steroids, CrazyBulk is the safer alternative to the anabolic steroids that serve as men’s health supplements. It means that these supplements will deliver the same results as steroids but do not have any side effects.

So the athletes, the bodybuilders, or anyone aspiring to have a perfect body shape need not worry about it. CrazyBulk does the stuff for them. Owned by the global supplement business Wolfson Berg that is headquartered in Cyprus, CrazyBulk has built trust in its customers for over a decade now.

CrazyBulk is more than just a supplement. It is a lifestyle. Unlike other supplements out there in the market, CrazyBulk does not offer any false claims that mislead the customers. It in fact assures that with the proper nutrition and the right kind of workout suitable for their body as per their fitness goals.

CrazyBulk will boost a person’s chances of their body transformation however they desire. Therefore, one needs to incorporate CrazyBulk into his lifestyle to achieve better results. This original, safer, and legal supplement will magically manifest its results irrespective of the goals. The goals can be building the muscles, losing body fat, or gaining the strength of one’s body. CrazyBulk has all that a person needs.

Why is CrazyBulk a Legal Steroid?

Anyone who has lifted weights naturally has definitely wanted to try their hands at anabolic steroids. But chances are, that we all know the risks that steroids pose. Seasoned bodybuilders have died premature deaths with their hearts enlarged 5-times the normal size. They become bald, lose fertility, have severe liver stress and end up with a plethora of health problems by the time they reach their mid-40s.

While this may not be related to steroids, Arnold Schwarzenegger had his first cardiac surgery at the age of 46. After that, he’s had multiple surgeries. If an athlete as seasoned and as rich as Arnold, could not thwart off some of the negative effects of steroids, imagine what a rookie athlete can do.

To solve these issues, Wolfson Berg incurred a huge cost (both monetary and in terms of time) in conducting thorough research on the given issue and came up with a “LEGAL” solution in the form of CrazyBulk. After years of countless efforts put in by the company, numerous variants of the product have been launched that caters to the three basic needs of a fitness freak; bulk, cutting, and strength.

What are the advantages of using CrazyBulk legal steroids?

Legal steroids became incredibly popular in very little time. That’s primarily due to four reasons.

They produce results that are at least 70-80% close to what can be achieved only with anabolic steroids. For instance, Dianabol has universally considered one of the strongest muscle mass-building steroids. But it is also an extremely toxic steroid. In fact, it can even be life-threatening if you do not know what you are getting into.

CrazyBulk offers D-Bal that produces 80% of the results of Dianabol. A typical Dianabol cycle (dosage period) lasts 6-8-weeks, during which a first-time steroid user can gain up to 30 lb. With D-Bal, you can gain up to 25 lb. in 10-12-weeks. So, a little more time and slightly fewer gains. But D-Bal is all-natural and can be used for extended runs.

CrazyBulk’s legal steroids do not cause side effects. Anabolic steroids are notorious for causing a laundry list of toxic side effects. Steroids are an umbrella term used to describe three families of drugs. There’s testosterone and its derivatives. There’s Dihydrotestosterone and its derivatives. Lastly, there’s Nandrolone and its derivatives.

These can then be divided into injectable and oral drugs. Depending on what drug family and what type of steroid you use, you can suffer from hair loss, acne, liver toxicity, testicular hypotrophy (shrinking), man boobs, polycythemia, cardiac myopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, and kidney disorders to name a few. The moment you ingest an anabolic steroid, which is an exogenous hormone, your Hypothalamus Pituitary Axis shuts down.

In some cases, this is permanent, which means that you will have to be on steroids for life. With CrazyBulk’s legal steroids, none of these problems occur. That’s because these supplements do not affect your HPTA at all. Most of them work by stimulating the release of LH, without binding to androgen receptors. This makes them completely side-effect-free.

Legal Steroids only contain natural, herbal ingredients. We will talk about the ingredients in each legal steroid in detail. But what’s important is that anybody can use this. That includes professional athletes who may be tested by WADA or other third-party agencies.

There are no hormonal derivatives or androgenic compounds that will get you in legal trouble. By the way, legal steroids also do not contain SARMS. Do you know that a large number of products being sold in the open marketplace contain SARMS?

No wonder they produce phenomenal results because unknown to you, they are binding to your androgen receptors and changing your bodies forever. There are no research chemicals in legal steroids. In fact, most of them have bare minimum ingredients, as CrazyBulk’s goal towards clean labels.

CrazyBulk legal steroids do not have to be cycled. You can use them for 6-8-months at a stretch. The dosage can be altered of course. You can start with strong doses and then once you achieve your fitness goal, shift to a slightly lower maintenance dose.

But the point is, it’s not limited to cycles like anabolics are. You can only use Dianabol for a few weeks at a time. Even the mildest anabolic steroid, like Anavar, can only be used for 8-weeks tops. After that, you are looking at severe liver stress. There are customers who are using CrazyBulk’s products for years with no problems.

What are the legal steroids that’s available for women on CrazyBulk?


Clenbutrol is a powerful yet safe alternative to the illegal steroid Clenbuterol, which was made popular by celebrity workouts. Clenbutrol replicates all the benefits of its illegal cousin but does not itself contain any banned substances.

The formula is 100% legal, and you can easily buy it on the open market. No need to go through back doors or risky underground labs. You also don’t need to worry about being flagged on a drug test, because Clenbutrol doesn’t contain anything illegal.

In short, Clenbutrol is a safe and legal solution for anyone that wants the effects of Clenbuterol, but without the harmful side effects and legal implications: 

  • Fast and safe weight loss
  • Torches your fat
  • Helps preserve lean muscle mass
  • Boosts your energy
  • Gives you stamina for longer, tougher workouts
  • Increases your muscle to fat ration

Designed for anyone that is looking to lose weight, Clenbutrol helps burn through fat layers while preserving and building lean muscle mass at the same time. It will also help keep your energy levels and stamina up as you cut your caloric intake to achieve your weight loss goals. 

Clenbutrol is a powerful thermogenic and will effectively raise your internal body temperature, which will, in turn, raise your metabolic rate. You’ll be burning through more calories, even outside of your workouts.

Another part of what Clenbutrol does is to improve your cardiovascular activity, so you’ll be able to power through longer, more intense workouts. Coupled with the increase in metabolism, this aspect will really help you shed those excess pounds.

This supplement works great on its own and can help increase your fat burn even if you don’t couple it with an exercise program. A solid workout routine and a healthy diet will, of course, increase your results, but is not strictly necessary.

How does Clenbutrol work?

Clenbutrol is a potent thermogenic which works by increasing your body temperature internally. This rise in temperature leads to an increase in the body’s basal metabolic rate or BMR. When the metabolic rate of your body increases, it leads to a faster fat burn while using up all the stored fat content. You will burn all those extra pounds away and be left with lean muscle and a slim figure at the end of it all.

This weight loss supplement also increases oxygen flow, giving your cardiovascular functioning a boost and providing sufficient energy to your muscles for a longer, more intense workout session.

Clenbutrol is a safe and legal Clenbuterol alternative manufactured by Crazybulk. It is a powerful fat-burning supplement that effectively removes all excess bodies from your body. It increases your muscle to fat ratio, giving you more lean muscle and reduced fat content in your body. While using  Clenbutrol, you will only lose the stored fat content, it preserves your lean muscle mass during weight loss.

Clenbutrol gives you improved performance, enhanced stamina, and increased strength. It improves the overall performance of your body and helps you achieve a more active and fit lifestyle. Clenbutrol comes in the form of pills, you are advised to take 3 pills about 45 minutes before your workout session each day, to attain maximum benefits from the product. You can buy Clenbutrol online and the purchase does not require a doctor’s prescription. It is capable of giving you quick results in a mere 30 days.


Clenbutrol is a simple supplement containing only four main ingredients: guarana extract, bitter orange extract, Garcinia cambogia (another plant extract), and niacin. 

This combination of ingredients is designed to increase the body’s energy levels and burn more fat than normal. Clenbutrol comes in capsule form. One serving of Clenbutrol is three capsules; each container of Clenbutrol contains 90 capsules or 30 servings.   

Guarana extract (342 mg/serving) – Guarana is a plant native to the Amazon region of South America. The seeds of the guarana plant contain about four times as much caffeine as one would find in coffee beans. It means that guarana is a potent stimulant and will provide the user with a massive boost of energy during their workout.

Bitter orange extract (450 mg/serving) – Bitter orange extract is a substance that helps the body shed fat. It does this by inducing thermogenesis in the body. Thermogenesis is the process in which the body generates heat; by causing the body to generate more heat, it stimulates a person’s metabolism, which uses up more energy and burns fatter.

Garcinia cambogia (450 mg/serving) – Garcinia cambogia (GC) is a fruit native to southeastern Asia and western Africa. GC helps combat obesity by suppressing one’s appetite and inhibiting the body’s ability to synthesize fatty acids. However, some research shows that consuming GC can lead to a greater risk of inflammation within the body. 

Niacin (63 mg/serving) – Niacin, also known as Vitamin B3, has numerous health benefits. It is beneficial to the brain and helps protect it against conditions like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and strokes. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. In Clenbutrol, niacin works by dilating the blood vessels, causing an increase in blood flow.

Other non-active ingredients include: 


Microcrystalline cellulose – Refined wood pulp used as a base for consumable capsules. 

Maltodextrin – A substance derived from starch that is also used as a base. 

Vegetable-derived magnesium stearate – This substance helps bind the other ingredients together. 

Silica – Silica is one of the main components of sand. Including silica in the recipe enables the capsules to be formed more easily. It is safe to consume. 

Benefits of Using Clenbutrol

Using Clenbutrol has multiple benefits, especially when comparing this product to Clenbuterol. It is most suitable for bodybuilders or otherwise athletic individuals who have an already established workout and meal plan. 

For such people, Clenbutrol can provide the following benefits:

Faster Results

Using Clenbutrol properly in a workout setting can result in muscle gains and fat loss that occur at a much faster rate than normal. 

Increased BMR

Using Clenbutrol can increase the user’s BMR, which enables the user’s body to burn more calories when at rest, by increasing the base level of calories, the user needs to sustain themselves. It can help the user burn even more fat.

Legal Performance Enhancement

Unlike Clenbuterol on which it is based, Clenbutrol is completely legal yet offers essentially the same performance results. 


Clenbutrol is noteworthy for having no additional negative side-effects. When used properly, there is no risk of any adverse reaction or overdose.

Extra Energy

Because of Clenbuterol’s high caffeine content, users can enjoy an energy boost during their workout, enabling them to train more intensely and for longer. The caffeine derived from guarana is also different from the caffeine found in coffee. 

Guarana Caffeine is absorbed into the body more slowly, meaning users will not experience the same jitters they would normally get from strong coffee. 


Winsol is a nutritional supplement formulated to be an alternative to the steroid Winstrol. It is manufactured by Crazy Bulk, one of the leading supplement companies in the alternative steroid niche.

Unlike Winstrol, which is an actual steroid, Winsol contains natural ingredients meant to mimic the effects of Winstrol but without the risks associated with steroids. While you cannot experience the exact effects of Winstrol, the ingredients in Winsol do come close. However, you’ll still need to train hard and diet right to maximize your results while taking Winsol truly.

So how exactly does Winsol work?

Winsol helps increase your testosterone levels: Winsol doesn’t directly increase your testosterone production in your body, but it does increase the number of receptors that bind to testosterone and DHT. This enables testosterone to better influence your body’s libido, blood flow, and protein synthesis, which help improve recovery time and lean muscle mass gains.

Increases resting metabolic rate: To cut weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume. Winsol helps influence enzymes and chemicals in your body that control your body’s metabolic rate. Supercharging this metabolic rate helps you burn more calories, causing a caloric deficit, which will help you melt away fat.

Improves blood flow: Healthy blood flow is essential to your endurance while you train and recovery afterward. Winsol contains ingredients that act as a natural vasodilator to widen blood vessels and enhance blood flow. This will make sure your muscles receive enough oxygen while you lift and enough nutrients while you recover to preserve your muscle mass and help your muscles grow.

Increases muscle mass gains: Winsol helps increase protein synthesis, which helps to build your muscles and preserve them while you cut. By improving blood flow, Winsol also makes sure your muscles have all the essential nutrients they need to grow and help you build your strength.

These four essential processes are critical to the mind-blowing results that you can experience while taking Winsol. Within weeks, you’ll begin to notice a massive transformation in your strength, body composition, energy levels, and much more. This is why there is no better legal steroid alternative than Winsol.

Winsol’s Ingredients

The ingredients used in the manufacturing of Winsol are one of the major reasons why this product is so effective and extremely safe to use. These products work perfectly in sync with each other which helps in maintaining the mass of muscles in your body while you are in the process of weight loss.

Here is a brief detail at the components used in the manufacturing of Winsol:

1.    Acetyl- L- Carnitine

Acetyl- L- Carnitine is an ingredient which helps in the production of energy in our body by obtaining the fatty acids present in our cells. It also helps us retain the amount of muscle mass during the process of burning fat. It also has the ability to act as a Testosterone Booster which helps in the speedy recovery of our body after an intense workout.

Research studies have indicated that when this ingredient is administered to people in an amount of 500mg daily for a brief period of time, it helped in recovery of muscles and also aided in the process of fat loss.

It also serves a lot of other functions like boosting our cardiovascular system, improving the functioning of our kidneys and also increasing the density of our bones.

2.    Choline

Choline is a product which is primarily used for the purpose of improving mental functions such as memory, focus and clarity. There are certain other reports which also hint at it being effective in improving the functioning of muscles at the time of our training.

3.    Wild Yam Root

Wild Yam Root is a very popular natural testosterone booster and it contains a compound called Diosgenin which is known to be a precursor in the production of testosterone in our body. It is widely used by Athletes and Bodybuilders to reduce the amount of inflammation, reducing pains and cramps in muscles, and reducing fatigue and tiredness.

It has also been reported that the consumption of Wild Yam Root leads to an enhancement in sexual desires and sexual libido. Thus, Wild Yam is a very powerful ingredient in Winsol because it helps its users to accelerate their performance and ensures rapid recovery.

4.    DMAE or Dimethylaminoethanol

DMAE is considered to be a nootropic which enhances our ability to focus while we are working out. Research studies have also found it to be useful for our old age as it can help in protecting our brain from memory and cognitive decline in the later stages of our life.

5.    Safflower Oil Powder or Carthamus tinctorius

Safflower Oil consists of Linoleic Acid which promotes the burning of fat in our body and it also helps our body to preserve the amount of lean muscle mass. Some other benefits of Safflower Oil includes the likes of improving the immune system of our body and it also helps in improving the cardiovascular system of our body.

6.    Other Ingredients of Winsol Include

  • Rice Concentrate.
    • Gelatin.
    • Lactose.
    • Silica.
    • Vegetable Stearate.
    • Maltodextrin.

Benefits of Winsol

When I first started with the use of winsol, I was shocked in the beginning because it had only been a few days since I started my cycle of Winsol consumption and I was able to witness some benefits already.

A possible explanation can also be that I was training really hard for my upcoming Professional Competitions. Also, the metabolic rates of my body were elevated because I was following a very rigorous workout plan and I was strictly following my diet and meal plan.

Following were the changes/benefits I observed in just 2 weeks when I started the consumption of Winsol.

  • It accelerated the growth of muscles.
  • It speeded up the process of fat loss naturally.
  • It helped my body preserve the amount of lean muscle mass.
  • It provided maximum endurance and agility.
  • It helped in faster recovery of muscles after workout.
  • It enhanced my vascularity.

However, I would like to remind all my users that consumption of supplements is just the second part of the process. The first part still remains putting in efforts from your side and working hard.

In the entire cycle of my consumption of Winsol. I strictly followed my diet plan. I also increased the number of reps and sets of my exercise and I left no stone unturned in order to achieve the perfect lean body I was hoping for.

What is Anvarol?

Anvarol is a dietary supplement (in capsule form for oral administration) created mainly for bodybuilders to enable them to increase their competitiveness (in training and competitions).

Though a part of a larger range of bodybuilding products (CrazyBulk Supplements), bodybuilding is not it’s only target field.

The natural Anvarol supplement – safe and legal alternative to Anabolic Anavar – aiming not only at those (men or women) wishing to improve their body characteristics (body weight, lean muscle mass, figure, vascularity, body proportions, and body fat) but also at those wishing to improve their body radically (fitness, aerobic endurance, determination, reserve energy, athletic performance, focus, recovery, and dedication).

Used mainly in the Cutting phase, that is, in the training phase focusing on the elimination of excess body fat. Many consider this phase as not so important. However, where is the catch? Many athletes focus on the Bulking Phase only. As important the Bulking phase is, so is (and perhaps even more) the Cutting phase. What’s the reasoning and where most people make a tragic mistake?

During the cutting phase – and as the goal is fat burning – the energy available is reduced. At this stage, many feel lethargic, tired, and unable to concentrate. So reduced energy is quite risky, for leading the body to “eat up” its muscles, to save energy, the so-called “muscle loss”. To prevent this, the Anvarol supplement meets the body’s energy needs and protects the hard-to-obtain lean muscle mass.

How Anvarol Works?

When the bar is set high and the goal is impressive, the means to attain have to be equally up to the challenge.

Bodybuilders and athletes have a certain type of bodily requirement which requires rapid muscle contractions.

Unassisted, normal human body muscles can only sustain a few such contractions.

This does not help the process of lean muscle mass enhancement.

For sustained contractions, ATP (adenosine triphosphate) levels need to be increased in muscles.

Anvarol helps in this aspect by increasing the ATP levels. 

There is a definite flow chart to achieve this – it stimulates phosphocreatine synthesis to facilitate the rapid synthesis of ATP.

What happens subsequently is that the user benefits on multiple counts.

Not only are energy levels markedly increased, but it also helps in faster recovery of muscles after rigorous workouts. 

This all-around approach helps the user to put in more effort with the least fatigue and hence see the benefits more markedly.

That Anvarol does all of this using all-natural products, is its biggest USP.

And it is the most recommended supplement for lean muscle retention.

Anvarol Ingredients

Ingredients of Anvarol

Made up of all-natural ingredients, the formulation is so designed to maximally mimic the positive effects of Anavar.

The aim is to help lose body fat while building lean muscles.

1) Whey protein

A wonder ingredient that is found in many health and muscle-building supplements is whey protein.

Basically a by-product of milk, it works at many different levels to help us. It is a complete protein that has all the essential amino acids.

Whey Protein is the anaerobic fuel for better neuromuscular function and increased strength and aid you in muscle growth.

It is heart-healthy and also helps in maintaining steady blood pressure. Remarkably, Whey Protein has also been noted to reduce C-reactive protein cholesterol levels in the body, which is a marker for inflammation. That’s why it’s a preferred ingredient for bodybuilding supplements.

2) Soy Protein Isolate 

Do some incredible things for fixing the muscles. As we referenced over, all that ATP puts a ton of anxiety on the body and muscles. So after a hard exercise, it is important to give them the fuel expected to recuperate and gain ground. Without this, all the additions will go to squander, or far and away more terrible not be accomplished. 

That is the place where the protein confines and amass come in, as they do some amazing things for building and expanding fit bulk. Far better, Soy Protein Isolate contains some amino acids too, giving Anvarol another part of convenience. 

3) Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

Branch Chain amino acids play a vital role in preventing muscle breakdown.

The ability to work harder with increased intensity is all good as long as there is some ingredient that helps preserve these worked-out muscles.

This is the function that BCAAs perform. These essential amino acids help boost protein synthesis in the body. In the recovery phase of muscles, this function helps to retain and improve muscle health and prevent muscle wasting. Gym soreness is also markedly reduced with these amino acids.

4) Yam root

It is a plant that contains diosgenin, a substance that can be utilized to make different steroids. The capacity of Wild Yam Root is extremely acclaimed in the realm of lifting weights and powerlifting, just as wellness when all is said in done. It is a characteristic testosterone promoter and some consider it DHEA’s forerunner – and DHEA is as of now popular for how well it can lift testosterone levels. 

That is the place where the protein disconnect and amass come in, as they do something amazing for building and expanding fit bulk. Surprisingly better, Soy Protein Isolate contains some amino acids also, giving Anvarol another part of convenience. 

5) Adenosine 5 triphosphate disodium (ATP)

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is helpful for muscle contraction. It provides the right energy levels to do so.

It also facilitates vigorous workouts during which time, fat cutting takes place. It improves intracellular signaling and allows nerves to be at their best.

Anvarol has a trademark ingredient called Peak ATP which boosts vasodilatation, helps synthesize muscle, and increases contractility.

There are studies to record an increase in strength, power, and lean mass using this component. Additional ingredients include rice flour, vegetable stearate, gelatine, and silica. Fact that it does not contain sugar, salt, wheat, yeast, or artificial sweeteners is a big plus in favor of Anvarol.

What Are The Benefits Received By Using Anvarol? 

Utilizing Anvarol has a few advantages. Some of them are: 

  • Bigger bulk 
  • Better muscle strength 
  • Efficient fat consuming 
  • Harder and denser muscles 
  • More vascular body 

In any case, none of the fixings in Anvarol are logically demonstrated to have such advantages. Protein helps assemble muscle. in any case, the protein content in a portion of Anvarol is less for any significant changes. There is logical proof that BCAAs help your body consume fat. 

This proof, in any case, isn’t a lot and needs some more exploration. On the off chance that you pass by how a great many people choose – that is, perusing on the web audits – most clients have given a positive reaction to Anvarol. Anvarol has overwhelmingly sure client audits even on unbiased survey locales. This helped my certainty to utilize it, and it truly demonstrated its advantages. 

Lean Muscle By Using Top 3 Female Cutting Stack by Crazy Bulk!

There was a time when women feared to use cutting steroids due to the side effects they are associated with.

However, most of them are still on the lookout for safer female cutting stacks to achieve the sexy and toned body they dream of.

Well, for women, it can already be pretty hard to get that ripped and shredded abs body.

First, they don’t have the natural predisposition to put on lean muscle mass in comparison to fat. Second, they don’t enjoy the variety of cutting supplements as men do.

But CrazyBulk has come up with a promising solution specifically designed for females.

Crazy Bulk Female Cutting Stack is made for women struggling to lose that last bit of stubborn fat to get better muscle definition.

Even more so attractive is the proposition of using legal steroids for cutting the extra body fat.

This factor alone is beneficial for athletic women who find it hard to find a safe cutting steroid.

Today, we have a Crazy Bulk Female Cutting Stack Review for you that will cover every little detail you need to know about the stack of supplements.

What Can You Expect from the Cutting Stack for Women?

Furthermore, the Female Cutting Steroid Stack consists of three professional designed supplements, namely:

  1. Clenbutrol
  2. Anvarol
  3. Winsol

All three are safe and effective options in the place of illegal and harmful steroids.

And don’t be mistaken, these legal steroids are nothing like your typical over-the-counter weight loss diet pills.

The compositions and properties are quite different when compared to the classic anabolic steroid.

The stack essentially supports the Female Cutting Cycle where it’s important to lose fat safely while retaining lean muscle.

That’s why the stack has specialized supplements to serve different steps of the entire process.

The three legal steroid supplements help women:

  • Cut fat from stubborn and unsightly areas
  • Boost workouts
  • Fasten the muscle recovery time
  • Enhances the ability to stack lean muscles
  • Increase strength, stamina, and energy

Further, there is a guarantee of quality due to the stack carrying the trusted name of CrazyBulk.

The company has unparalleled expertise in manufacturing, marketing, and selling some of the Best Steroids For Women.

Thousands of women have been using their supplements to achieve strength, bulking, and cutting goals safely.

Here are the key advantages of choosing CrazyBulk female cutting stack:

  • 100% legal steroid alternatives
  • Results within 1-2 months
  • No need for needles or prescriptions
  • Protection from potential side effects of synthetic steroids
  • Safe and natural composition

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